Monday, October 18, 2010

'round here..

Lately Mason has been really busy. Me and Cash.. not so much. With him working and going to school full time its just the two of us trying to fill our days with parks, lunch dates with friends, walks, Oprah, Ellen, and Elmo. These are a few pictures of our simple life over the last little while.
Taking advantage of Mase being home on a Saturday with breakfast at Sills.
(Taken before Cash squirted the guy behind us right in the back of the head with little packages of cream that they keep at the table..woopsi.)
At one of the many parks we have visited lately.
Black island farms..Cash had a ball at this place.


Amy said...

Next time you go to sills bring me back a scone, will ya mind?

Jamie said...

Ooh Sill's love that place, but it's definitely not the same in the new place! Umm.. pretty sure I know the feeling of trying to fill your days! All I would need to add to your list is Dora! ugh! You could vacation to San Diego in your free time, I know a great place to stay..nelson B&B!

Scott and Shay said...

Looks like fun...but I know what you mean, we are also trying to fill our days...maybe we should plan that trip to Discovery Gateway?

Cam said...

Hey, it's Jenny here! Can you send me an invite to your blog (if not, I'll just keep signing in as Cam!) :) Fun to see what your little family is up to these days.

Cam said...

Duh, it's late and I should be asleep, my email address is

I know, lots of e's and i's and n's Kind of a pain sometimes