As soon as they got us in a room, they quickly realized I had a fever of 103 (which explains the shivering) and Jone's heart rate was quite high. I wasn't really worried, until my doctor came in and said that it is very rare for an adult to have a fever that high so it was an indication of an infection somewhere. With Jone's heart rate as high as it was that we should expect to have a baby in the next half hour! oh wow. I literally was going to go that next day and get all the last minute things I needed, diapers, onsies, binkis, etc..
Ready or not.. I was hoping to do a vbac ( i had a c section with Cash) but under the circumstances it was another c section. Next thing I knew I was in numb as can be, asking Mason to tell me everything that was going on. The anesthesiologist heard me asking Mason for a play by play, so he asked me if I wanted to watch in the mirror... um no thanks I'm good. I don't really want to see all my guts hangin out. And before I knew it, little jonesie started screaming like crazy! This kid had a serious set of lungs. They showed him to me for about 2 seconds and them whisked him away with Mason following. I could hear him screaming all the way down the hall. As I layed there for the next 1/2 hour I was so anxious to see him and hold my baby boy. I had tears streaming down my cheeks the whole time they were sewing me up. The nurse kept asking if I was ok, or if i was in pain, and I just kept telling her they were tears of joy, and that I just really wanted to hold my baby! Finally they wheeled me back in to the room, where Mason was just chillin with Jones. Needless to say I was pumped full of antibiotics and the mysterious fever went away. I think it was just Jones' way of telling us he was ready.
Its amazing how your heart just makes more room to love another child. He has been such a sweet baby. The first night we were home, we all sat around to eat dinner. I felt so content with my little family. He was meant to be in our family, and heavenly father has blessed me with more than I deserve.
As Mason puts it " I got a good feeling about him, I think he's going to fit in around here."
Well good...
Meeting (and smelling) him for the first time:
It makes me cry to think about all our family coming to visit. This little boy is so loved.
Cheers to Jones! Jemaica and Troy were so cute to bring some sparkling champagne, so we made a toast to Jones!
It took Cash about a week to warm up to him. But now that he has, I have to keep my eye on him because he is constantly kissing, smelling, hugging, laying on Jones.
Cash piling a few toys on top of Jones in hopes that he'll start playing with him.