Thursday, February 19, 2009

uh oh..

My bad habits are already rubbing off on to my unborn child, but it sure is fun!!


salmons said...

cute! cute!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah for SHOES!!! Those are so little and cute.

I haven't checked your blog for a while and wow like four new posts a record! j/k

I love love your house I can't wait to see it in real life!! and dinner was way fun, we need to keep up on that now that you no longer work with me - soo sad :(

Now get that little boy out soon so we can all dote over him!

Jessica said...

I love it!! I can't wait until he comes!

Becca and Justin said...

Oh my gosh cass I'm so excited for you guys! I'm happy that you guys are doing so well!

Andrew and MeKenzie said...

So cute and I love your BEAUTIFUL house. Good job guys!

Justin and Jamie said...

Hey Cass! those shoes are so fun! And your house is awesome. I can't wait to see it in person! Good luck with the end of your pregnancy!