Thursday, January 19, 2012

33 WKS

At 33 weeks I'm feeling pretty good.
Bladder control..not so good.
Started the Non stress tests this week, which I complain about but secretly really love because I get to see him and hear his heart beat every week.
And a cute lion that can never resist the photo booth app or any camera for that matter.
And yes that is his halloween costume that he's had on for a few days now.

Green Christmas Vacation

I of course didn't get enough pictures of all the fun things we did over Christmas to do it justice. But we had great time including black Friday shopping with the girls, ginger bread making, Nord family ornament luncheon, of course the first "peeking around the corner" Christmas morning shot, and Cash showing off his new gear with the best super hero pose I have ever seen.
A few things I did not get pictures of this year is Christmas eve eggs benedict with the Salmons, and Christmas eve lunch at Lambs Cafe with the Greens.
This year was a little bit of a different Christmas with Sue in the hospital for most of it, fortunately she was able to come home for Christmas. But there was defiantly more of a feeling of gratitude for all the miracles we have seen in her recovery. I found myself thinking a lot more of what is important instead of having the "perfect Christmas" with all the parties and everything going just according to plan. I was reminded of how good people's hearts are, and how challenges and struggles can bring a family together with devotion I will never forget. As I sat in sacrament
meeting Christmas morning I was reminded again at the love our Savior has for us, that he knows us, and gratitude for the peace that comes with this knowledge.